| 01892 234353
M:Power Accounting is pleased to announce the introduction of Backup My Books hosted by Ledgerscope. In an age of constant cyber attacks we continually strive to ensure our clients data is kept safely.
A couple of months ago I wrote to you all about our service of taking a hard drive back up of all client files held on the M:Power One Drive, a process that we continue to run weekly. However, I have been concerned for a while that we haven’t been able to back up data held in Xero which means that if anything goes wrong there is no fail safe.
Back Up My Books offers a regular back up of Xero data. There are two major advantages of this. Firstly, if cyber disaster strikes you your data is safe guarded. I am confident of Xero security but then so was Donald Trump with Twitter until his account got taken down. Xero’s security, against what we know will happen, is undeniable – but it’s what we don’t know, that is concerning. Secondly, especially for those clients managing their own books, this back up offers a roll back process. If you have a really bad week with your Xero record keeping you can roll back to the previous back up and start again!
For a monthly subscription of £10 you can have the assurance that your Xero data is safe, from attack, from disaster and possibly from Trump! If you are interested in taking up this service please do contact us and we will put this into place.
2 Oast View
Kent TN12 8LE