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HMRC enquiries & penalties

 Don’t let the HMRC hijack your success 

No enquiry from the HMRC is ever welcome but almost inevitable nowadays. Penalties are also often imposed that are unreasonable and in some instances not even due. The additional workload and stress these bring can have a heavy toll on the business owner. Knowing what to do and how to respond is essential in handling such cases successfully. At MPower we have many years of experience in assisting our clients in all areas of tax when the HMRC have knocked on the door, quickly and effectively dealing with the enquiry or penalty to achieve the best possible outcome.



  • Extensive knowledge and experience of how HMRC work
  • Proven track record of success
  • Free review of enquiry to establish outcome parameters
  • Agent Status availability so that HMRC can deal directly with us
  • Full Advice and Assist service

HMRC enquiries & penalties


Our Services

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